Results for 'Vitaliy D. Rusov'

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  1.  51
    Inflation Due to Quantum Potential.Maxim V. Eingorn & Vitaliy D. Rusov - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (8):875-882.
    In the framework of a cosmological model of the Universe filled with a nonrelativistic particle soup, we easily reproduce inflation due to the quantum potential. The lightest particles in the soup serve as a driving force of this simple, natural and promising mechanism. It is explicitly demonstrated that the appropriate choice of their mass and fraction leads to reasonable numbers of e-folds. Thus, the direct introduction of the quantum potential into cosmology of the earliest Universe gives ample opportunities of successful (...)
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  2. Volume 42 (Summer 2003-Spring 2004).A. E. Chuchin-Rusov - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 42 (2):89-99.
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  3. The New Cultural Landscape.A. E. Chuchin-Rusov - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 42 (3):70-98.
    In the 1970s, judging by many direct and indirect signs noted by authors of investigations conducted in various fields of knowledge, a cultural landscape that is fundamentally new in Euro-American civilization—most likely, a transitional stage between the millennia of cultural history and that which awaits humanity, perhaps, within just ten to twenty years—began to form.
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    How to evaluate the rationality of heuristics?Vitaliy Nadurak - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
    One of the most debated topics among those who study heuristics is the question of their rationality. The present paper proposes an answer to this question based on the ideas of instrumental rationality and the probabilistic nature of heuristic judgments and decisions. Accordingly, it is argued that the rationality of heuristics is determined by their effectiveness, i.e., their ability to achieve a desired result. At the same time, heuristics do not always produce such a result, but only in a certain (...)
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    UvrD helicase: An old dog with a new trick.Vitaliy Epshtein - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (1):12-19.
    Transcription‐coupled repair (TCR) is a phenomenon that exists in a wide variety of organisms from bacteria to humans. This mechanism allows cells to repair the actively transcribed DNA strand much faster than the non‐transcribed one. At the sites of bulky DNA damage RNA polymerase stalls, initiating recruitment of the repair machinery. It is a commonly accepted paradigm that bacterial cells utilize a sole coupling factor, called Mfd to initiate TCR. According to that model, Mfd removes transcription complexes stalled at the (...)
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    Moral Heuristics and Two Types of Information Processing.Vitaliy Nadurak - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (2):46-62.
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between moral heuristics and two types of information processing. To achieve this goal, moral heuristics will be considered in the context of a dual-process theory. Type 1 processes (deliberate) are being defined as consciously controlled and Type 2 processes (intuitive) as those that occur without conscious control. Heuristics are not one of the types of information processing, but a methodor procedure that simplifies information processing for decision-makers. This simplification can be (...)
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  7.  15
    Laboratory and Field Science: Ontology and Epistemology.Vitaliy А. Kurennoy - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (3):8-51.
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    Комічність та трагічність любові у міфі Аристофана про андрогінів.Vitaliy Turenko - 2016 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:111-123.
    У статті докладно аналізується Аристофанів міф про андрогінів, відображений у «Бенкеті» Платона. Наголошується, що комічність природи любові полягає в тому, що пошук другої половинки в кожного неповторний, сповнений парадоксальністю, неоднозначністю, невідповідністю, а також тим, що віднаходження предмету любові супроводжується як радісними, так і сумними моментами. Трагічність любові у даному міфі [Symp.192d-e] визначається унікальністю предмету любові та зустрічі з ним; конечністю дискурсу любові; роллю та значенням розлуки і вірності в любові.
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    Філософський погляд на любов античних скептиків та епікурейців: компаративний аналіз.Vitaliy Turenko - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:109-118.
    У статті на основі збережених фрагментів праць античних скептиків та епікурейців аналізується їхній погляд на любов. Автор доводить, що дані філософські школи мають як спільні, так і відмітні риси щодо їх розуміння природи любові, її праксеології, значення у людському житті.
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  10. Сторінки з історії інтелектуальної україни: Нобелівський рух.Vitaliy Ablitsov - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    Пропонована стаття відкриває нові відомості про участь вітчизняних науковців у Нобелівському рухові від року його виникнення. Показано, що Україна має інтелектуальний потенціал, щоби входити до чільної групи лідерів міжнародного Нобелівського руху. Також автор статті намагається розкрити причини інертного ставлення сучасного суспільства й влади до підтримки й участі в Нобелівському русі.
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  11. Соціально-філософські аспекти у творах григорія сковороди.Vitaliy Biletskyy - 2011 - Схід 3 (110):132-134.
    In article, author exploring the works of Gregory Skovoroda, which include a social philosophical aspects. The problems of society structure, optimization of social relations considered.
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  12. Соціально-філософські погляди джонатана свіфта (на прикладі "казки бочки").Vitaliy Biletskyy - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):78-81.
    У статті автор аналізує твір "Казка бочки" Джонатана Свіфта, виділяючи соціально-філософські та протосоціологічні тези мислителя. При цьому проводиться думка про те, що сам Дж. Свіфт, безумовно, є не лише відомим літератором, а й оригінальним філософом доби Просвітництва, сатиричні твори якого містять висновки, цікаві для сучасних дослідників.
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    Obedience to the Pope as the identifying features of the Uniate Church — a debate between Christopher Filalet and Ipatii Potii.Vitaliy Bondarchuk - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:148-155.
    In the article by Vitalii Bondarchuk "Obedience to the Pope as the identifying features of the Uniate Church — a debate between Christopher Filalet and Ipatii Potii" authentic points of view of polemicists who were direct participants in the Union of Brest are analyzed. It was determined that the opponents have a different purpose dealing with this issue and resolve it using different methods. Both discussants have exemplary erudition concerning the past of the issue but they don’t outline the issue (...)
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    Relation between Christian Realism of Reinhold Niebuhr and Neo-orthodoxy.Vitaliy Brynov - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 90:88-104.
    The article considers the development of the ideas of Christian realism as a philosophical and ethical concept of Reinhold Niebuhr. The background of the development of Christian realism’s ideas is described. It is noted that the most impact had Niebuhr’s personal attitude to philosophy and epistemology, as well as the practical experience of serving in Detroit. The methodological approach of Niebuhr is defined as a contrast between the ideal and the real, with the subsequent solving of the conflict between them. (...)
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    Heuristic aspects of G. S. Skovoroda’s dialogical thinking as a phenomenon of critical mind.Vitaliy Darenskiy - 2009 - Sententiae 21 (2):74-88.
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    Religious institutions of Ukraine in the context of national security.Vitaliy Dernovyy - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 78:87-91.
    The influence of the religious factor on all spheres of public life can not be overestimated, because in the beginning of the XXI century more than 71% of Ukrainians consider themselves believers. At the same time, under the conditions of globalization, the boundaries between the Catholic and Orthodox Europe, between the Christian and Islamic cultural worlds, which some experts consider as "civilizational faults", are clearly traceable. And it is on the line of this fault, in their opinion, that Ukraine is. (...)
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    The situation on the celebration of the Millennium in the so-called presence of the "Russian Church" on Mount Athos.Vitaliy Dernovy & Petro Yarotskiy - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:51-54.
    The leadership of the Russian Federation made visible organization and invested significant financial resources in support of the Russian Orthodox Church, making the latter a cementing ideological component of the Moscow government, its various aggressive policy. So, since 2012, the state support for the 2016 year celebration of the "1000th anniversary of the Russian presence on Athos" has begun. On this occasion, a special order of Russian President Vladimir Putin on October 16, 2012 for №468-rp "On creation of working groups...". (...)
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    П'ятидесятницька есхатологія: Етапи становлення, сутнісні характеристики.Vitaliy I. Docush - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 42:52-62.
    According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, as early as 1980, the classic Pentecost was transformed into the world's largest union of Protestants. At that time, the number of his faithful was about 51 million. persons other than 11 million Pentecostal charisma. Thus, 75 years after its inception, there have already been 62 million Pentecostals worldwide in more than 100 countries.Given the dynamics of the Pentecostal period, it can be argued that neophytes attract some attractive elements of the doctrine into its (...)
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  19.  25
    Hiliatic theories in the context of Protestant eschatology (exegetical-comparative analysis.Vitaliy I. Docush - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 38:70-85.
    At the intersection of the second and third millennia in connection with the natural and social cataclysms that are taking on a global character, the eschatological prophecies about the end of the world have intensified the coming of the millennial Kingdom of God. In contrast to the existing problems, the Kingdom of God is offered as an ideal system of government with such qualitative characteristics as equality, justice, material and spiritual completeness.
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    Protestant modernism: history, forms of display in the context of globalization and inculturation of Ukrainian society.Vitaliy Docush - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:301-311.
    The article deals with the essential characteristics of Protestant modernism and the main stages of its evolution. The analysis of liberal theology and new orthodoxy which established modern approaches to the interpretation of the fundamental principles of Christianity. A new image architectonics and ideology of Ukrainian Protestantism that arose in the context of globalization and inculturation.
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  21.  20
    Problems of chiliasis in Protestant theology.Vitaliy I. Docush - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 18:12-21.
    The year 2000 was interpreted by theologians of different currents as "special", "final", as one that should determine the further fate of mankind. The points of view for the period that will follow after him, and accordingly the fate of civilization in the future, were quite pessimistic. They can be classified in the following sequence: civilization has reached the limit of its existence, it will gradually die; The global problems of the present are a sign of the "end of time". (...)
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  22.  29
    Religion as a communicative element in the stratification system of society.Vitaliy Docush - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:29-35.
    Investigating religion as a social phenomenon, sociology of religion goes to its communication function, revealing the communicative nature of each of its elements. The V.Dokash's article shows how these questions were solved by the classics of the sociology of religion, in particular E. Durkheim, K. Marx, S. Freud, V. Bryan, O. Kond, P. Berger, C.Glock and others.
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  23.  16
    Secular and Theological Education: Interaction or Confrontation?Vitaliy I. Docush & Ya Poznyak - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:220-224.
    If we analyze our legislation in detail, we can see that there are so-called “legal scissors”. On the one hand, the law guarantees freedom by equalizing the rights of all citizens of the state, and on the other - leaves believers outside the legal field declaring separation from the church. It should be noted that even the Law on Education does not guarantee the right to receive alternative education for children of believers, regardless of their affiliation with a religious organization, (...)
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  24.  27
    The doctrine of the resurrection in the context of Protestant eschatology: a comparative analysis.Vitaliy I. Docush - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:49-65.
    The problem of resurrection is one of the most pressing issues of any eschatology and religious futurology. She has always interested not only theologians and scholars, but also ordinary believers. After all, it is about believing in the possibility of continuing human life, life in eternity. The doctrine of the resurrection is at the heart of Scripture because it is directly related to the problem of salvation. It should be noted that in the secular religious studies this issue has been (...)
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    Epistemic presuppositions and taxonomy of assertives.Vitaliy Dolgorukov - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1):92-105.
    The paper proposes an epistemic taxonomy of assertives based on a concept of epistemic presuppositions. Epistemic presuppositions are a special kind of pragmatic presuppositions, which describe the structure of hearer’s and speaker’s meta-reasoning. The epistemic taxonomy of assertives is based on the operator of strong common belief (sCB). It is argued that the properties of a strong common belief operator (positive and negative introspection, non-factivity) are relevant for the analysis of pragmatics presuppositions. Also strong common belief operator is used for (...)
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  26.  13
    Богословсько-філософські концепції «часу» та «справедливості» як актуальні питання сучасної есхатології.Vitaliy Hura - 2018 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:177-188.
    У статті розглянуто тенденції розвитку актуальних питань сучасної вітчизняної есхатології: концепції «часу» та «справедливості». Розкрито богословсько-історичний фон розвитку есхатологічних ідей, продемонстровано сучасні тенденції у світлі праць визнаних богословів. Показано вузлові та критичні моменти розвитку есхатологічних уявлень у світлі праць К.Барта та Ю.Мольтмана, які пропонували альтернативний погляд існуючій леніарній есхатології у присутності вічності в кожному історичному моменті часу. У питанні справедливості і вічного покарання в пеклі автор звертається до концепції «антиномія геєни» П.Флоренського як засобу пошуку примирення ідей Божої справедливості, любові та (...)
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  27.  14
    Законодавче розв’язання визнання результатів освітньої діяльності українських закладів вищої духовної освіти.Vitaliy Khromets - 2018 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:122-135.
    Актуальність статті полягає у необхідності висвітлення особливостей формування процесів нормотворчості, які спростили діяльність закладів вищої духовної освіти та висвітлення практичних аспектів для діяльності даних закладів в практичному просторі та площині. У статті здійснено аналіз нормативно-правового забезпечення діяльності закладів вищої духовної освіти та процесу становлення даної нормативної бази в 2013–2018 роках. Стаття складається умовно з двох частин, в яких висвітлено: передумови формування нормативно-правової бази щодо діяльності вищих закладів духовної освіти та представлений аналіз сучасного стану даної нормативної бази. Перспективи подальших досліджень полягають (...)
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    Оцінка фінансового стану підприємства сфери послуг із використанням карт кохонена.Vitaliy Lazorenko - 2018 - Схід 2 (154):13-18.
    Статья посвящена исследованию финансового состояния предприятия сферы услуг. Стабилизация финансового состояния является приоритетным направлением отдельно взятого предприятия и экономической системы в целом. Предлагается решить обеспечение стабильности финансовой деятельности предприятия с помощью нейронной сетевой модели кластеризации - самоорганизующихся карт Кохонена - мощного механизма кластеризации, что позволяет отобразить результаты финансового анализа в виде компактных и удобных для интерпретации двумерных карт. В работе проанализированы услуги предприятия и проведена сегментация базы посетителей, построены профили пользователей услуг путем выявления их похожего поведения в плане частоты, типа (...)
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    Зміна патернів цінностей в контексті переходу від модерну до постмодерну.Vitaliy Lyakh - 2016 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:3-17.
    В статті досліджується проблема пошуку чинників, які впливають як на розвиток суспільства взагалі, і особливо в процесі його переходу від стану модерну до постмодерну. Проводячи порівняння з тим процесом, який відбувся при переході від аграрного суспільства до індустріального та від «природної держави» до «штучної», вказується на сукупність чинників, які можуть впливати на розвиток економіки та сприяти добробуту в якомусь конкретному суспільстві («порядок відкритого доступу», наявність організацій, інститутів, певних чеснот, переконань, системи норм/цінностей тощо). Хоча в цьому процесі беруть участь різні чинники (...)
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    Anthropological Ideas in the Prose of the Ukrainian Diaspora: Traditions and Postmodernism.Vitaliy Matsko, Inna Nikitova, Tetyana Shvets, Valentyna Kuz & Olga Rybchynska - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):214-233.
    The article discusses the main anthropological ideas in diaspore’s prose in the context of existing traditions and postmodern stylistic characteristics. It also highlights characteristic features of the Ukrainian diaspora’s prose. The latter contains the views on the literary character as personality, as well as the world and place of humans in it. Importantly, the research follows the concepts of Christian theology, superhuman, rationalism, and postmodernism. It also emphasizes the axiological matrices of humans and their worldviews. The scientific value of the (...)
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    The "Übermensch" project as a form and mode of secularized ethics.Vitaliy Viktorovych Mudrakov - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:50-58.
    The study contains the interpretation of F. Nietzsche's concept “Übermensch” as a program of modern human’s orientation within conditions of secularization. The “Übermensch” is presented as a form and a mode of secularized ethics. Such interpretation gave the methodological instruments to describe the main features of contemporary ideological and world view tendencies and their changes character, including such processes in Ukraine.
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    Виховна діяльність української греко-католицької церкви в 20-30-х роках хх ст.Vitaliy Pereveziy - 1997 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 6:26-32.
    The main purpose of the educational activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the 20-30th years of the twentieth century. was the upbringing of the younger generation. The Church's Church created a holistic system of its activities, which was intended to broaden the Christian upbringing.
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    You are Ukrainians!Vitaliy Portnykov - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:204-206.
    Since August 24, 1991, when my first article on the proclamation of a new Ukrainian state was published, I have already written 20 such articles. Over the years, from an ardent young man who was watching with amazement and joy from the gallery of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR for proclaiming independence, I turned into a middle-aged man, convinced that even the purest intentions could be distorted and crossed out with public indifference. And the state, about which I (...)
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    Проблема єдності християнських церков у творчості а.річинського.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 41:62-67.
    In the history of the Christian Church in general, and Ukraine in particular, Orthodox-Catholic relations occupy an extremely important place. The dramatic, as a fact of church and religious life, they attracted the attention of a large number of scholars of different fields of knowledge and research interests. Arsena Rychynsky, a well-known Ukrainian religious scholar whose views on the problem of unity of the Christian Church, overwhelmingly, are scientifically valid, meaningfully original and prognostically relevant. Under such a review, we would (...)
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    Актуалізація української релігійної духовності в проблематичному зрізі внутрішньодержавного та загальноцивілізаційного поступу.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 48:109-135.
    From the year of Ukraine's proclamation of state independence, a qualitatively different one began, without exaggeration - an epochal period of its development. The cherished dream of many generations of Ukrainians to live in an independent Fatherland has finally acquired a real outline, which in the post-Soviet consciousness of the million-minded people of Ukraine has been associated with centuries of cherished hopes for nation-wide peace, harmony, prosperity and happiness. But Ukraine is already in the second half of the 80's, and (...)
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    Cult-ritual sphere of religion: the nature and principles of the formation.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:17-27.
    In the article, based on the elaboration of a large array of literature on the topic, as well as direct and inclusive study of ritual practice, mainly orthodoxy, reveals the place and functional purpose of the religious factor in the complex structure of the religious phenomenon, in various manifestations of religious life.
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    Protestantism: to the causes of growth and spread at an early stage of its development.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:69-79.
    The article "Protestantism: to the causes of growth and spread at an early stage of its development" by V.Shevchenko deals with the epochmaking phenomenon of Protestantism, its exceptional place, role and significance in the history of Christian progress during past five hundred years. Special attention is dedicated to disclosure of number of some reasons, which caused the appearance of Protestantism.
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    Передберестейський унійний процес 1590-1593 років: Мотиви, проблематика, перспективи.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 24:85-96.
    As we begin to cover the events that immediately preceded the proclamation of the unification act of 1596, we do not think it necessary to prove how complex and responsible the case is. After all, despite the multifaceted nature of the phenomenon, which will later be called the Union of Brest, it is difficult for the researcher to abstract from its consequences, which had a significant impact on the course of the church and religious process of the last four centuries (...)
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  39.  25
    Religious ceremonial sphere of religion: nature and laws of development.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 78:32-41.
    The cult and ritual sphere is an important component of the religious complex, which is usually understood as a collection of ritual acts related to the worship of supernatural reality and aimed at achieving the bond of the believer with the object of worship. As an inalienable attribute of the religious phenomenon, the cult was created along with its occurrence and is characterized by the complication of manifestation in the process of historical development. Having an amazingly wide arsenal of expression, (...)
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    The Beginning of the Brest Unitarian Process in the Light of Modern Theological Reflections on Uniticism.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:81-92.
    Surprisingly, the fact is that despite the well-studied sources of sources as well as the large number of studies devoted to the Union of Brest, this phenomenon of church-religious life of Ukraine at the end of the seventeenth century and is still perceived ambiguously. At the same time, the sharply negative attitude to this fateful event on the part of the Orthodox spheres was and remains predominant. Suffice it to recall that I. Franko's Brest union was "a fruit of betrayal (...)
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    Union Initiatives in the Life of Orthodox Church in the Rzeczpospolita at start of Counter-Reformation, Their Motivational Subtext and Public Perception.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 22:94-105.
    The Council of Trent of 1545-1563, which, incidentally, was not only long lasting but also difficult to convene, reflected a completely unstable general Christian situation during a period of rapid reformation. It is known that its foundations amounted to 95 Luther abstracts, and the subsequent course of events necessitated the immediate convening of the Ecumenical Council. Pope Clement VII made real attempts to do so, but did not reach the goal as a result of the war. Bulla of June 12, (...)
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  42.  15
    Унійні рефлексії постофлорентійського 20-ліття в церковно-релігійному житті польсько-литовсько-руського регіону.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 17:45-61.
    Despite the universal status of the Ferrara-Florentine Cathedral, the union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches approved by him provoked ambiguous, but often very negative reactions. This is especially true of the Orthodox East, where the idea of ​​inter-church unification ages in a row was subjected to devastating criticism, and in cases of real attempts to introduce the union, there was a strong resistance from the individual zealots of the Byzantine Orthodoxy and their supporters. An exception to this rule was (...)
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    Ukrainian Theological Religious Studies of today.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 40:92-109.
    As already mentioned, based on a number of goals and methods of classification, Ukrainian religious studies have been divided into two disciplines - academic and theological. The former, in particular, is characterized by historicity, tolerance, non-confession, objectivity and pluralism. Instead, theological religious studies, based on the belief in the truth of Divine Revelation and the indisputable authority of Scripture, are characterized by apologetic and confessional aspirations, which are accordingly manifested in affirming the truth of a particular religious doctrine and religious (...)
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  44.  18
    Унійна двовекторність теорії "москва – ііі рим" та "грамоти мисаїла" в історичному контексті другої половини XV ст.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:64-74.
    The categorical rejection of the Ferrara-Florence Union by the Moscow leadership, as sometimes restrained, is sometimes unconcerned, but in general, the positive attitude towards the communist act of unification of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches from the side of the ruling circles of the Commonwealth is a fact that is undeniable and scientifically irrefutable. However, not all of those who have been guarding the ideological support for this self-evident nature for more than half a century are prepared to take into (...)
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    The fruits of the Second Vatican Council in the life of the church in the Soviet Union and after its collapse.Vitaliy Skomarovskiy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:43-45.
    The Second Vatican Council is not in vain, and with full responsibility is called a landmark event. Without exaggeration, we can say that he renewed the face of the Catholic Church.At that time, the issue of reform, but rather, said that the Church's restoration was virtually "vibrant in the air". Thus, for example, Pope Pius XII in the Encyclical "Mediator Dei" was entertaining over certain aspects of the modernization of the Liturgy. And in general, the world, which in the middle (...)
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    Types of classification of new religious movements.Vitaliy G. Solovyov - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 14:78-88.
    An overview of current publications on new religious movements causes the researcher to feel uncertain. Whatever article or scientific review we have taken, everywhere we find diametrically opposite judgments about the same phenomenon, which is not even defined. The question arises: is there a general methodological research program for this phenomenon? Is there a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon, in particular, the construction of a satisfactory classification? Here we can recall the words of the famous researcher M. Mueller that the (...)
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  47.  20
    The problem of classification of religions in religious studies.Vitaliy G. Solovyov - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 22:4-15.
    In modern science, classifications occupy a special place. In many areas of knowledge, they are the canonized type of product of scientific activity. That is why all the information obtained by the researchers tends to formulate in the form of those or other classifications of the investigated objects themselves, their separately considered properties, composition, structure, genesis, placement, etc. However, the quality of already built classifications, as a rule, does not suit the specialists. When creating the same new, there are numerous (...)
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  48.  13
    Етико-естетична експлікація вчення про двох Афродіт у промові Павсанія [Symp. 180с – 185с].Vitaliy Turenko - 2016 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:137-145.
    У статті аналізується культурно-історичні фактори появи вчення про двох Афродіт у промові Павсанія. Для більш детального дослідження виділяється два основних аспекта даного вчення, а саме – етичний та естетичний. Етичний аспект полягає в тому, що вводиться тема чесноти щодо любові. Встановлюється дихотомія між «благородним» і «поганим» типами любові. Естетичний контекст даного вчення Павсанія полягає у тому, що люди можуть йти шляхом любові як від прекрасного до потворного, так і від потворного та прекрасного.
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    SensorSCAN: Self-supervised learning and deep clustering for fault diagnosis in chemical processes.Maksim Golyadkin, Vitaliy Pozdnyakov, Leonid Zhukov & Ilya Makarov - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 324 (C):104012.
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    What does «processing of the Рast» mean.Theodor Adorno & Vitaliy Mykolayovych Bryzhnik - 2018 - Філософія Освіти 22 (1):6-24.
    Adorno's work “What does‘processing of the Рast’ mean” for the first time was presented as a report on November 6, 1959 before the Coordination Council on Christian-Jewish Cooperation. In this work Adorno considered the essence of social ideology prevailing in postwar Germany, which predetermined the strategies of social reconciliation with the political crimes of the former national-socialist power. According to the philosopher the social ideology of the consumer society uses a large number of appropriate means to stabilize its dominant position (...)
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